Data information

The data collected thanks to the package usage is recorded in a csv file. If you didn’t set a specific filepath, the file will, by default, be stored in the same folder as your script, under the name emissions.csv.

Quick look at the data

You should get a new line (in the csv file) for every usage of the package.

data columns details

Column name



Datetime of the record generation


Name of the country where the package was used (based on the IP or what the user set)


Name of the os you’re using

User ID

Name of the user who used the package (as set by itself)


ISO code of the country where the package was used (based on the IP or what the user set)

Project name

Name of the project for which the package was used

Program name

Name of the program for which the package was used

Client name

Name of the client for which the package was used

Total Elapsed CPU Time (sec)

Total time of CPU usage (in seconds)

Total Elapsed GPU Time (sec)

Total time of CPU usage (in seconds)

Cumulative Package Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the computer while the algorithm was running

Cumulative IA Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the CPU while the algorithm was running

Cumulative GPU Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the GPU while the algorithm was running

Cumulative DRAM Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the memory while the algorithm was running

Cumulative process CPU Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the CPU for this specific task while the algorithm was running

Cumulative process DRAM Energy (mWh)

Total energy, in milli Watt hour, used by the memory for this specific task while the algorithm was running


Also known as cooling factor, indicates the extra energy used to cool the system down while the algorithm is running

CO2 emitted (gCO2e)

Amount of CO2 emitted by the algorithm’s usage, in gram. This value depends on the country and the energy mix used by the country to produce electricity


Declarative value, package used by the user in the project


Declarative value, name of the algorithm(s) used

Algorithm’s parameters

Declarative value, parameters used for the algorithm

Data type

Declarative value, type of data used to train the algorithm

Data shape

Declarative value, size of the database used to train the algorithm


Declarative value, comments made by the user